Freitag, 16. August 2013

How to cure your depression -

Everyone comes across people that need an emotional lift, and everybody at some point has needed an emotional lift. Personally, I don’t enjoy seeing people who are upset when I’m surfing the social media websites that I do, so I want to share some of the things I’ve done and am working on when it comes to beating depression’s ass.

In this day and age, everyone seems to have had some experience with depression (I blame the mainstream media), so know that you’re not alone and many of us have been there. Just as well, know that many of us climb our way out of depression. No, it isn’t easy. It takes effort, commitment and consistency. You have to want to heal yourself, and that’s why I emphasized most of the steps below with “force yourself”, because in the beginning its really hard and you have to learn to do things when do don’t feel like doing them. The reward is that it gets easier to the point of being a natural part of your life, and that your life will just be better, plain and simple. So open up, and let’s begin.

1] Force yourself to smile!


The simple action of smiling tends to lighten your mood. It must have something to do with how our minds perceive smiling and what it represents, but if you force yourself to smile even when you feel down, you will most likely start to feel your emotions shift. If you’re alone or feeling particularly saucy, take it to the next level and force yourself to laugh out loud. Just the silly thought of you sitting there laughing by yourself like a crazy person should be enough to produce some genuine chuckles.

 2] Sleep when you're tired!

Again, forget about what society says about sleep. There are so many people out there, teens and young adults especially, that self-diagnose themselves with insomnia because they can’t sleep during the night. There’s this rule in society that tells us we have to sleep during the night and be awake during the day, but some people have more energy than others, so how can we expect everyone to follow the same pattern so consistently. If you find yourself up at night and restless, don’t lie there beating yourself up about it like you have a sickness. Get up and do something you enjoy doing, because guess what? You’re just not that tired, friend. (but when you do sleep, it’s best to sleep in a dark place)

3] Force yourself to accept the bad things happen

Bad things will always happen. Even if we ended all wars for the rest of eternity and managed to construct a utopian society, mistakes would still be made. You’d still get annoyed when your neighbour is blasting music at 3am. You’d still get upset when you find out some you trust lied to you. The difference between utopia and the imbalance we live in now is the way we choose to handle the bad things that happen to us. The trick to this is to pause when something pokes you the wrong way, and make a conscious choice (through active thinking) when your mind is still. The more you can remind yourself that nothing is really that bad, the better your life has a chance to become, because you can sit back in the comfort of knowing that you have the ability to choose for yourself the path you want to take.

I know it's hard to handle things you actually don't even wanna handle. But we or you got to move on! Life is not only based on bad and sad things. It's also based on happiness. 
Life is both. Heaven and the hell. Now you decide how and where you wanna live. 
Of course it's up to you and I only wish you the best!

Thanks for reading! :)

Mittwoch, 14. August 2013

[VOCALOID!] ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー

I just wanted to make a quick shoutout to Vocaloid!


Megurine Luka - my favourite <3

What do u think of vocaloid singers?
You like them?
Who's your favourite dancer/singer?

Donnerstag, 7. Februar 2013

Where is tolerance gone?

I was doing another training at a carhouse - Citroen -, in the office. Why "another"? Because the other companies I did the training, didn't accept me of the same reason, I'm gonna tell you now:

In this carhouse are working two boss'es and one of them is turkish and is Alevite.So he came one day to me and talked with me about that education and I asked him, if I do fit here because I really tried my best to work and convince them of me, like I did in the other companies, too. He said that I do fit there and I did satisfied them, but the problem is my Headscarf. I should take it off. We talked almost an hour and we also began to discuss. He said that it wouldn't be a big problem if I do take off my headscarf, he doesn't think that God would punish me for that. In that situation, I realized how dumb people can be. I really asked myself, where he lived.. Honestly.
I told him that I can't take off my scarf, because it's been seven years since I am wearing it, and it's not a toy I just can get rid of. The headscarf is a part of my life and it is a part of my identity. I told him that if he forces me to take off my headscarf, it feels like he's forcing me to cut off an arm of me. It would hurt a lot. And just the quote : "Take it off" hurts a lot, too. He was really shocked and asked me, if my faith in wearing it is that huge. So I told him that it is like that. He said, that a lot of communitys will tell me the same when I am applying myself into those firms. I said, that I don't mind and if they're expecting the same from me, I won't accept it. "You will be unemployed.", he said. "I don't care that and I do have faith in God and He will give me the right postition because I am following His path and not those what humanity expects from me.", I said. He was shocked again when I said that and told me that he is satisfied from me and he would accept me even with the headscarf, because he's turkish and he do understand why we muslims wear that Headscarf. That's why he would never mind if I am working there with it. But the other problem would be the second boss. He's german and he would have a problem with it. So he went talking with him. After he did, he came back to me, and told me that he said, I should take it off. He also told me, that he can go back to him and ask him if it is Okay if I dont take it off. I really dont get this man. Because he knew from the first, that I would never change my mind in taking it off, so he could've asked him in that moment, when he went to him. But he didn't.

And now.. I didn't get the job. Of course I stood up for myself and even looked of the rights I do have. And in the german law book is written that no boss is allowed to go against the religion of someone, because we're living in germany and we're living in a free state where you can walk how you want to.. If it is on the street, on your workplace, in your school.. whereever you are, there's nobody who's allowed to judge you. But what's also allowed in germany is that no Boss has to justify himself. I just wanted a reason from him. I just wanted him to tell me what's wrong in wearing an Headscarf. His answer was soooo weird.. I was really shocked when I heard that, and even happy that he didn't accept me.
He said, that Headscarf is an icon of Islam. And that everyone who sees someone with an Hijab, would think he's a muslim. And since we all are watching the media, we can see what happens in muslim countries. Bombings, representation of Shari'a, that for example someone has stolen something he'll get an amputation, or that stoning..Just all those "baaaad and eeevil" things of islam -.-
SubhanAllah people are so so so so blended from the media, which is reallly sad.

So I asked him that does he think I am a terrorist. And he was like : "No, I dont care, that you wear a headscarf, if it is for me, you can even work with it, but we're looking to our comstumers."
Because as I said it's an carhouse. And people (costumers) would be frightened if they see me ... SubhanAllah, I was really shocked when he said that. 

I was like...honestly, I didn't know what to say. I kept telling him that this is so common, a shame and really sad. He said, that I would ruin my whole future with my Hijab, because there will be no company who would accept me with my Scarf. I smiled false and said :"No its not me who's ruining my future. It's you people who do not have tollerance and accept people the way they are." Then I stood up and left his office. I was really disappointed in that moment. Of the society, of all the employees who I trusted in and promised me that they would talk for me. But they didn't. They walked across his office and saw us having a chat, but they didn't interrupt and defend me. They did nothing. I just gave up my workplace, because I don't want to work for someone who believes the media as believing in his employee.

I will stand up for the rights! InshAllah! May Allah give me the strength for that self confidence I'll need. Because I may won't shut my mouth off. And I may sound so evil, because then people will see the anger they waked up in me. I won't stay calm, because this is human right. And as germany says. This is a free state, so everyone has his right to look the way he wants to and no one is allowed to judge about him. And the first rule in the law is written that they're not allowed to reject someone because of his religion. We're not living in Hitler's time, where he gasified people who weren't christians or german people. We are living in a new generation, where everything is allowed!!!
I'm really really disappointed.

Donnerstag, 3. Januar 2013

Fantasy Tennis

~ Fantasy Tennis ~

An sich ist das Spiel, Fantasy Tennis, total süß und macht auch riesen Spaß.. aber die Leute mit denen man das comment.. Die nehmen das Spiel so ernst und man ist einfach zu Schade, wenn man das Spiel erst begonnen hat. Als Neuling hat man kaum Chancen auf höhere Level zu kommen. Das Tutorial dauert so lange, weil es einfach beweist, wie schwer fantasy Tennis eigentlich sein kann.. und um mit allen anderen Playern mithalten zu können, muss man dieses Tutorial mehrmals ausprobieren, sonst steht man immer als noob da. Ich hab es bis jetzt ca. 5x gezockt und ich geb es ehrlich zu: Ich hab nicht einmal ein Spiel gewonnen -.- Am Ende des Spiels wird eine Liste angezeigt. Sie zeigt quasi die besten Spieler an, die in dem Match waren. Und ich war in jedem Match,  das ich gespielt habe, die letzte XD Klingt lustig, aber das provoziert. 
Dann hatte ich mal einen idioten in meinem Team, der mir andauernd Vorwürfe gemacht hat, dass ich ja so schlecht wäre und schrieb dauernd im Chat : "STAY ON YOUR SIDE!! - GO TO LEFT - NOW GO RIGHT- RUUUN- " wtf.. und wenn ich den Ball verfehlt habe, schrieb er :" NOOB .. YOU'RE SUCH A NOOB" und wenn er den Ball mal verfehlt hatte, schrieb ich dasselbe XD Und Er: " QUIET!!" WTF O_ô
Aber ich musste dauernd lachen, weil er so .. weird war.. Ahja am Ende, weil wir wegen mir verloren haben, meinte er, ob ich nicht gekickt werden kann, weil ich so ein noob bin. Obwohl!! Ich war in der Liste am Ende eine Stufe höher als er und er war der letzte Monk! XD Soo dumm.. 
Naja aufjedenfall, kann ich das Spiel weiter empfehlen, denn es macht riesen Spaß!! :D
Und wenn jemand von euch dieses Spiel zockt, tell me und wir zocken zusammen! :)) Denn mit Freunden macht es mehr Spaß, als mit irgendwelchen Kackpratzen die meinen einen auf dicke Eier machen zu müssen, nur weil sie 5 Jahre länger spielen... 

Naja so viel von mir. Ich hatte ehrlich gesagt kein Thema worüber ich schreiben konnte und hab mir einfach Fantasy Tennis rausgesucht Hahah XD :3 

So yea, see ya next Post ~ Annyoeng'

Dienstag, 1. Januar 2013

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! [2013] ♥ Yeaii ~ Finally *Q* ♥

Well, I can't say that I'm proud of my life, but I can say, that I'm proud I've learned. I've learned I can't rely on everyone. I know some things don't work out, but I know everything that has, has been for the better. I can't guarantee I'll be able to walk around with a smile, but I know where I've been and where I'm going. I know who I am and I know who my friends are. I've had some tough stuff thrown at me, but I've gotten by. 2012 haven't been a really beautiful year to me, but I am still alive and thats what matters.

May 2013 will be a better year! ♥

I wish EVERYONE in this entire world an happy New Year and May Allah bless you all!
Don't forget to pray for those who didn't survive 2012, because of the wars they have been into and because of those who comitted suicide by believin' in 21.12. and all the others who comitted suicide by getting bullied or just getting ignored. Because being lonely is a huge pain! R.I.P to all them!! ♥

jjaa ne ~ Minnasaan Mata ne ~